Cookie Policy Made Easy

GDPR, Cookie Policy, let us help you!

In the last years the EU has approved new data protection rules which affects the great majority of web sites out there. There are many which don’t abide by this new rules yet, many which cannot sustain the effort, or don’t have the necessary tools and skills to manage all the requirements. Here comes Cookierulez, an open source web application which aims to get your life easier when dealing with web sites cookie policies.

Cookierulez Banner

Cookierulez does a good job in automating the collection, description and management of installed cookies. Its main features:

  • multi-user platform: each user can manage his web sites and provide all the information that couldn’t be collected automatically
  • cookies are categorized
  • cookies have a description and many other infos that the users have to know
  • dark and light themes out of the box
  • custom consent to different cookies categories

How it works

It’s super easy to use Cookierulez:

  1. Register a web site
  2. Wait for the application to scrape all the urls in depth (you can choose how deep should be the scraping), or launch it manually
  3. Wait the application to analyze all the scraped urls to get the installed cookies, or launch it manually
  4. Cookierulez will automatically divide cookies into categories and provide descriptions basing upon an always growing dictionary
  5. Make some manual modifications if you need them
  6. Include a script and a stylesheet in your website to power on the cookie banner

Cookierulez will repeat steps 2 and 3 every X hours, in order to keep the cookies situation constantly up-to-date

Third parties cookies

Cookierulez does a great job blocking third party cookies when the user disables them. Third party cookies are the ones installed by other external scripts, embeds or widgets like analytics, youtube, vimeo, sharethis, etc… Cookierulez provides a way to block such external resources until the user confirm his consent, you just need to set some attributes on the html elements and let Cookierulez do its job.


If you want to know more about Cookierulez, or use it and forget about the issue, then just contact us: we’ll help you setting up the best solution.